When spring time comes, I look forward to seeing all the new flowers that the spring showers bring. The best flowers that bloom at my home are the bleeding hearts..... Why you ask? Well, because they were given to my by a really awesome friend of mine.
When her and her family uprooted their family many years ago, she dug up her bleeding hearts and gave me some to plant in my yard to remind me of her. As if I could or would ever forget that wonderful friend of mine.
As I look around at the flowers, and trees in my yard, many of them have a history of friendship, most if not all were given to me by friends, or bought with friends.... I am not a gardener, so everything that is planted in my yard is there because of a special person or friend. And when they return in the spring, it just reminds me of the love and friendship God has blessed me with.
That is one of the best things about life... the friends that God sends into our lives to share our journey with us.... sharing in our joys and sorrows, laughter and tears.
I thank God every day for all the special friends and family in my life, I am so very blessed!
Every day is wonderful to experience when you have the support of great people to make life easier and joyful. To laugh with, and cry with, and do fun things with.
Spring flowers just remind my of God's provisions for us in our lives... like the daffodils that come back every year, bright and beautiful, pushing their delicate little faces up out of the lifeless ground to declare that summer will soon be on its way, so full of bright color and promise.
Friends are like a bouquet of flowers, all different kinds, all beautiful in their own way..... some bright and bold, some light and delicate...... some strong and sturdy, and some with thorns. Some smell absolutely beautiful, and some really are stinkers at times.... Each flower in your bouquet is there for a different purpose, some to brighten, some to support, some to add a dash of wow and some to quietly just add that something special.... each fills their own purposes in making the bouquet complete, and making your life a better place.
As time goes by, we add to that arrangement, my adding new flowers when needed, and removing those that have out lived the purpose that they were there for.
It is ok to rearrange your friendship bouquet from time to time, some times we might even preserve that one special flower in hopes if keeping a memory alive.....
I hope each of you can say that your bouquet of friends is full and beautiful and makes your life richer and better because of it. Everyone deserves to have a full and beautiful bouquet of friends to fill your life with beauty and a heavenly aroma of friendship....
Keep God as your Gardener, and designer of your garden, and his blessings will continue to bloom, and they will keep flourishing....