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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Throwing the Bridal Bouquet, not only one winner

At most all weddings, the bride throws the bouquet, and one lucky single lady gets to take it home with her...

It is said that whom ever wins the catch and the bouquet, is the next in line to get married. All the single ladies at the wedding get ready to catch and compete to get the bouquet, and sometimes it is a knock down drawn out fight to get control of it and win.

Seemingly mild mannered ladies with knock each other over in a competition to get to be next in line to wed....

Well at my daughters wedding we decided to do it a little different...

We made the throwing bouquet to come apart when thrown.  We had one larger bouquet in the center, and made 8 smaller bouquets to sit around the larger one in the middle.  To anyone looking at the bouquet, it looked normal.  We just tied a large ribbon around the base of the bouquet, and as the ladies lined up to compete and catch it, the bride loosened the ribbon that was holding it all together.

We did some trial runs at home to make sure it would work, and found that you had to throw it high in the air to make it work and separate correctly.

It was fun to see the faces of all the ladies, not sure what was happening, but they were pleasantly surprised, and not one, but 9 people got to take home a part of the bridal bouquet.

When it came to throwing the garter for the guys, we put it on a football and threw it to the single gentlemen...

Because everyone knows, that a guy never lets the ball drop....

It was fun, and was a great competition for the single men.  You need a large area to throw the football, because it travels a far distance, and they need to be told to go long to catch it......

It was fun watching the young men trying to catch the ball too... and quite a memory...

The wedding was a wonderful an amazing day..... so glad that so many friends and family were able to spend the day with us and be part of these beautiful memories....


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